Nowadays all the information can get at finger tips. If you want to get information example like recent news in the world, you can get by surf the internet using mobile phones or computers... BUT , there is disadvantages using the social media especially for students like us...
1. Not focus during class session (e.g above picture )
- Students is encourage to use their mobile phones related to their subject but the tendency is they using this opportunity to surf their social medias like Instagram , Facebook & Twitter. Therefore, they cannot pay full attention to their class session
2. Wastage of time by student using social media
- Instead of using their sources for searching information with regard to their studies, they spend more time on social medias to be up-to-date what the latest viral and hot news. Besides that, it might harm their health issue because they spend lot of time to their social media such as games (MOBILE LEGEND) hehehehee....
3. Lacks of interaction between their buddies
- Their relationship between their friends might "renggang" due to their behaviours and always with the phone...
Social medias also have the pros such as getting connected with other friend from different backgrounds and countries. In my opinion, they can also built more confident to interact with others especially  gained their communication skills which is valuable in this industry( Maritime Industry ).. That's all from me....



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