TOP 4 BRILLIANT DOGS BREED

    4. Golden Retriever

Originally hailing from Scotland, the golden retriever breed was started in 1865 from a lone yellow pup in a litter of black wavy-coated retrievers, crossbred with a local water spaniel by Lord Tweedmouth of Guisachan in Scotland. This gorgeous, friendly dog still excels in retrieving, as well as agility and obedience, and as service dogs.

3. German Shepherd

The modern German shepherd was standardized by breeder Captain Max von Stephanitz in 1889 with a goal of “utility and intelligence.”
As Germany modernized and the need for herding dogs declined, von Stephanitz worked with police and dog clubs to develop a set of protection and obedience tests known as Schutzhund.

2. Poodle

More than just a foofoo haircut, poodles consistently land on the list of smartest dog breeds. They were originally bred in Germany for bird hunting and water retrieving.
Their storied history includes many occupations and locales, from herding sheep to crossing the battle field to bring supplies to the wounded to the performing arts. The poodle is remarkable for its loving nature, trainable intelligence, and sense of humor.

1. Border Collie

And finally, no list of smartest dog breeds would be complete without a mention of this handsome dog. Originally known as the “Scotch sheep dog,” the border collie hails from the highland border of England and Scotland.
Bred to think independently and at long distances from human shepherds, they have the problem-solving intelligence and strong working drive to maintain control of the flock. Chaser, the dog who knows 1,022 toys by name, is an amazing example of her breed.


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