Gordon Ramsay: The Real Master Chef

Ever since I was young I love eating variety of foods and trying new things. I basically have a passion for eating. I indulge in my mom's cooking and also outside food. Later on in life when I started to grow and had to move out form my house, cooking became essential to know as I have to survive on my own. I begin seeing online videos on Youtube and stumble uopn Gordon Ramsay. His cooking videos were amazing and he is a astonishing chef.

He did not only made online videos but also had many TV shows. He was a hit and still is till today. I am thankful for his efforts to teach and inspire millions out there with his cooking methods. I hope he continues to do this for a long time and that is why he is my favorite chef. 

These are a few of his famous TV shows:

Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmare

Master Chef

His famous show: The F Word

Ramsay's Hell's Kitchen

Source of pic: Google


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