

In leading and organizing a task or work, planning is a crucial part at the initial part of the task. It could organize such task really well. It is a basic management function involving formulation of numbers of plans to achieve specific goals or objective of the task. It is more encourage to conduct the planning in a group of people with different skills and knowledge which is relatable towards such task for a better of brainstorming ideas with various type and in every prospect and specification of ideas.  Planning may consist of those to discuss which are:

  • identified the objective and goals of the task to be achieved
  • formulated of strategies to achieve those goals
  • arranges or create the means required to initiate the task
  • implement, direct and monitor the steps in proper sequence and step for an efficient and smooth task progression.
There are various way of brainstorming the idea for the planning, such as mind mapping and etc.
Image result for mind mapping

Thus, in the planning part of the initial task, delegation of task should be assign among the individual that is involve in the task. The purpose of the delegation is for a smother and well organized in conducting the task. It would be best to delegate the task to the person which is specialized to such assignment of task. Hence for the first 

Final words, planning plays its important role for the initial part of conducting the task to achieve such goals. As every person should give a full commitment is this such phase.


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