An American management expert, Kenneth Harley Blanchard aka Ken Blanchard once said ‘’the key to successful leadership today is influencing not authority’’. Based on the Cambridge Dictionary, influence is the power to have an effect on the people or thing, or to effect or change how someone or something develops behaves or think’’. Influence can be in a bad way or in a good way. It depends on the leader that led the community or the organization. Every leader in this world have their or type of influence. Depending on their follower and what have leader contribute or do them. Influence can be divided into 3. The situational, temporary, and the lasting influence. Most probably all of us had encountered all 3 types of the influences. The situational can easily define as people follow you because they have to. It is the most common type of influence which based on the position, tittle and the authority. As for example, as a normal citizen we have to obey the rule of law create by the authority, the authority itself is basically influencing you to obey those rules and summons will be issue if you did not obey it. People are force to follow and obey. This is the situational influence. Next is the temporary influence. We can define this as an influence that gain in a short period of time. They might get this because they did something that amazed people. As for example, the new artist out there which come out with their new single. And suddenly that single when viral and become a hits. By time, the influence of that song will go away and people will start to listen to another hits song. To be truly influential the artist need to continue to perform at highest level or come out with the best song that can caters the listeners’ heart. Last but not least is the lasting influence. This can define as the long last influence. People will always follow the leader or the influential not matter what. They just love and accept them will their whole heart. Might be because of the good deed the leader have done continuously or maybe because the leader made a good judgments before or simply because he or she have a very great leadership skill and also charisma. But at the end of the day, I believe all of us have our own influential statement. And all of us have the power to influence other people.  It is just the matter of how we use it, to whom we use it and for what we use it. Remember, use your power well and with integrity or the power will hit you right in your face.

good influence really can unite us all.
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no matter how hard the weather follower will stay
Photo Credit : , Manan Vatsyayana
MR Ken Blanchard
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