Leadership : Controlling

What is controlling?

 Direct supervision and observation

Direct supervision and observation's is the oldest technique of controlling. The supervisor himself observes the employees and their work. This brings him in direct contact with the workers. So, many problems are solved during supervision. The supervisor gets first hand information, and he has better understanding with the workers. This technique is most suitable for a small sized business.

 Control your speech
In the same way you control your mind, you need to control your speech.
And you control your speech simply by applying the already mentioned principles to your spoken language.
  • Talk about your long range goals.
  • Talk about your plans.
  • Talk about what needs to be done.
  • Don't verbalise all your anger emotions.
  • Don't verbalise all your dark imagined fears.
  • Don't verbalise all your derogatory opinions.
  • Do talk about your visions for a successful future.
Control your tongue, because nobody likes a grump. And everyone needs someone who can make the future seem strong.
Make yourself the person who talks up the future. Strive to become a rational optimist.

Self control

Self control is a high level leadership quality. Self control is the ability to take command of your own thoughts, feelings, language, actions and, therefore, to take control of your objective RESULTS.
The average person tends to suffer from a distinct LACK of self control. They don't control their own thoughts, feelings, language, or actions and, therefore, they don't get the objective results that they would like to see in their lives. And instead of looking at their own lack of self control, they blame the government for their lack of progress.
If we reason it out for a moment, it becomes obvious: if you cannot control yourself, then you won't be able to control anything else. If you want to exert some kind of control and influence over events, you must first be able to fully control yourself.
Failure to control yourself is the cause of many failures.
The greatest victory is victory over yourself.
  • Self control is the way to victory over yourself and circumstances.
  • Self control is the starting point of all achievement.
Let us assume that you are not perfect, yet. You know that you have bad habits. And you know what those bad habits are.
  • You may be untidy.
  • You may be often late for appointments.
  • You may procrastinate.
Whatever are your bad habits, your goal is to master your bad habits. Take control of your worst bad habit and break the habit.
You should do this for three reasons.
  1. To prove that you can. Prove to yourself that you can master yourself.
  2. To eliminate the negative effects of the bad habit. Who needs the hassle of that habit?
  3. If you got rid of your bad habits, the rest of us would benefit from it too. If you were on time, other people would appreciate you more. You would become a more attractive person if only you would eliminate your bad habits.

Control your speech

In the same way you control your mind, you need to control your speech.
And you control your speech simply by applying the already mentioned principles to your spoken language.
  • Talk about your long range goals.
  • Talk about your plans.
  • Talk about what needs to be done.
  • Don't verbalise all your anger emotions.
  • Don't verbalise all your dark imagined fears.
  • Don't verbalise all your derogatory opinions.
  • Do talk about your visions for a successful future.
Control your tongue, because nobody likes a grump. And everyone needs someone who can make the future seem strong.
Make yourself the person who talks up the future. Strive to become a rational optimist.

source : google.com/image


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