In everything we do or whatever we get ourselves involved in, there is for sure the pros and cons of it. As we all prefers bad news first, so here I am to share my bad experience onboard.

Firstly, I would actually point out that SLEEP is something crucial onboard where if you actually thought that you would probably get a 6-8 hour sleep on a daily basis, you're wrong. CADET is defined as Call Anytime Do EveryThing. Ask around your fellow cadet friends who have sailed, and I'm sure they'll ask you to laugh about that and I'll see how much you can laugh later on after you tried it yourself first hand after a week onboard.

Moving on, being a workaholic, one may find that TIME is being a jerk where there's just too many work to complete on certain times where you gotta rush throughout days and nights, while some other days it's just really nothing but chipping and painting. This will definitely bring out the other side of you where people would actually understand why you are being grumpy and mood out due to the undesirable stress.

Despite that, I don't really seem to recall any bad experiences onboard as I prefer to take in all the bad vibes and turn it into positive one. As the wise ones said, complaining only makes you weak, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Now on the good part of sailing, for me it's truly about the travelling and visiting places. Personally i really love TRAVELLING, and just during my sailing days for practical itself, I managed to cover up most part of Asia. To top it off, I enjoy going shopping and I can assure you that Japan is a one hell of a place to shop till you drop. Besides that, I enjoy walking around and taking a breeze of fresh air at the place I visit. I mean come on, let's be frank, after days and weeks of looking at the sea daily, I'm pretty sure we can enjoy a cup of coffee at land enjoying the views or the surroundings itself!


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