Good and Bad Experience Onboard Ship

Good and bad experience onboard. I believe we all have our good and bad experiences onboard  So this is mine during my one year onboard 2 different ships.

My bad experience was, the first time i experienced heavy weather conditions during the voyage from Port Arthur, Texas to New Jersey which i forgot the name of the port. It was at the North Atlantic Ocean, where the sea and the weather are very bad during winter season. The voyage was about 5 to 6 days. At first it was not so bad. The ship rolls at maximum 7 degrees. But since i experienced bad weather for the first time, it was a hard time for me. I can't eat because i got seasick. Every time i have a meal i will vomit afterwards. The second day at North Atlantic Ocean was the worst. The ship rolls to 22 degrees. Plus the weather was very bad with the rain. We cannot do all the maintenance on deck. We just do inside area cleaning only. During watch on bridge i was so scared that the ship might capsized due to the bad weather. It was rolling heavily. Can you imagine 22 degrees of rolling during bad weather? Even the chief officer were scared at that time. And if we capsized that time, nobody will be there to help us as we are the only ship sailing there at that time. We rarely see other ship sailing there at that time. And the best part for me was during watchkeeping on the bridge i did not get seasick but after watchkeeping i was in my cabin, that time i got seasick. Second day was the worst. I can't eat anything. I ate and i vomited. Third day at North Atlantic Ocean the weather was like the first day. Less rolling, and i feel better no more seasickness because i think my body already used to the weather. We continue our maintenance. But still we need to be careful on deck. It was my best and bad experience onboard Eagle Atlanta, for heavy weather. When we reach New Jersey it was very cold. The temperature was - 5 degrees Celsius. Freaking cold it makes the deck watch during cargo operation more challenging. I wore winter jacket but still felt the coldness. It was a hard time for all of us. For me i prefer summer season more that winter season. We need to do extra work during winter season. Cargo need to be taken care of with the heating so that the cargo won't freeze inside the tank. I don't know about others they prefer winter or summer or other season.

Another bad experience was i forgot to open a valve during tank cleaning operation. Chief Officer instructed me to open inlet and outlet valve so that the tank can be washed with the cargo oil. I opened the inlet valve, and when i want to open the outlet valve, it was like already full open. And this during winter season. So i reported to chief officer both valve already full open. When he run the crude oil washing machine, it did not run. He shouted at me asking if opened the correct valve and i confirmed that i opened the correct valve. He then ask me to check again. And when i check again, i did not opened the outlet valve. The valve was still fully closed. I opened and then the machine started. Again he shouted at me on the walkie-talkie asking me to come inside and meet him. I got bang. He sent me to cabin. I cannot go on deck that day. Luckily the cargo washing line did not burst because of the pressure built up during cargo washing was high.

For good experience, i got my shoreleave on the first day onboard. I arrived at ship on midnight. Having rest, in the morning chief officer brought me for shoreleave. During new year, we were having a party and it was the best party onboard ship. Too many foods during that time. Chief cook prepared plenty of foods. During the we play some sports on deck, engineers versus officers. We even got present. Ship's SRC bought us all a set of Sony's earphone. And the best experience for me, i got a nice crews during my 6 months stay. Captain was good both were Ukrainian, officers from ALAM so they treat ALAM cadets like a cadet. They taught us many things. Chief cook was from Malaysia, he cooks good food. I have met with 4 chief cook, he still the best cook i have ever met. If i were to list all my bad and good experiences, this entry will be too long. Until here guys. See ya.

*first and second picture are from Google Image*


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