Joko Widodo

Indonesia Prepares For Joko Widodo Inauguration.

               The leader I admire is the current president of the Republic of Indonesia. His name is Joko Widodo or the local also known him as "Jokowi" or "Pak Jokowi" He is well known with his humbleness and his fight on against corruption. In 2005 the self-made furniture exporter was elected mayor of Solo, a 500,000-person city in Indonesia. He cleaned up the city and rooted out corruption, thrilling an Indonesian public weary of the status quo. His ascent since then has been swift,In 2012 he became governor of Jakarta. Now he’s the favorite for Indonesia’s July 2014 presidential election. He is the first Indonesian president without a high-ranking political or military background.

Jokowi graduated from the Forestry faculty at Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, in 1985 where his work included studies and research on the use of plywood. He began work at PT Kertas Kraft Aceh, a state-owned firm in the province of Aceh, but he soon became uninterested in his activities in the firm and returned home. He then began working in his grandfather's furniture factory before establishing his own company, Rakabu, whose namesake is his first child.
The company's products were successful in international markets. Products were sold, for example, in France where the goods first established a presence in the European market. It was a French customer named Bernard who gave Joko Widodo the nickname he is famous for, 'Jokowi' Ultimately he decided to become a politician and promote reform in his home town, Surakarta, after seeing the neat layouts of some European cities while promoting his furniture there.

            As per my personal experience, I heard from the local Indonesian, in the capital city of the Indonesia, Jakarta which are well-known with their traffic which are terrific during the weekday from day to night. For previous president, whenever they wanted to go for a city ride, they have to make road closure an hour or two to make a clearance for the president to passes through even on an unofficial event. But for Pak Jokowi, he would join the citizens with all the traffic that they really have to faced an only upon urgent matters then only he would make the road closure. Plus he wouldn't really  mind to go for a lunch at the sideways stalls and stores which he really blend in with his citizens.


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