

In a group or a company there is one thing we should make sure to accomplish a goal. As a leader we should be in control of everything.
but it doesn't mean that you will be a kind of leader that would be like a dictator or a very strict leader who controls everything.

Controlling means that as a leader you are ensuring that everything is accomplish in accordance and in the set standards. A good example of it onboard is making an inspection and having a discussion about the observations that were found during the inspection.

By checking the progress of the job a leader can determined what are the mistakes and problems so that they can make a correction. Controlling is the process of checking whether or not a proper progress is being made towards the objectives and goals and acting if necessary, to correct any deviation.

One more step in controlling a team or an organization is making a corrective action. It is the improvement to an organization's processes taken to eliminate causes of non conformities or other undesirable situation. It is actually a set of actions that laws or regulations require an organization to take in manufacturing, documentation, procedures, or systems to rectify and eliminate recurring non performance.

So this is about controlling your team. We can't be an effective leader and we can't accomplish any goals if as leader we can't control the jobs that we assigned to our team. With proper handling and being in control , any group can do and finish any task.

Prepared by: Jaspar de Lima


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