My Favorite Malaysian Food

My Favorite Malaysian Foods

Malaysia is a nation where the culture is very unique. It is a country with a multi races living together. It is a place where you can experience a different cultures. As a student here in Malaysia I learned a lot about this place. In this blog we would like to share our favorite Malaysian Food.

ROTI CANAI-It is an Indian food that spread throughout Malaysia. It is served with curry chicken and sambal. It is best when you order roti canai mix with egg or cheese.

NASI LEMAK-It is a fragrant rice cook in coconut milk and pandan leaf. It is considered as Malaysia's national dish. This is one of my favorite breakfast here.
NASI GORENG AYAM- This dish is consist of fried chicken and a fried rice. I don't know how they make it extra ordinary it is so tasty. I always order this food whenever I go to mamak.

So these are my favorite foods here in Malaysia. I highly recommend these foods for foreigners who wanted to visit this country. I can assure you that you will enjoy Malaysia and their cuisines.

Prepared by: Jaspar and Rhey


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