How we spent 4 days in Krabi

Heyyyy guys today we wanna share about our trip to Krabi. We planned this trip since our first ship so after sign off, we have a lot of money to spend and we decided to spend it by going for a short trip to Krabi. At first we planned to go by package from tourism agency. Since this was our first trip to Krabi we did some research in the internet on how to go there and how much money that we needed to prepare. So after some research we decided to go by our own because we seafarer are born to take the challenges in our life. we wanna try the backpackers style by travelling on our own. The advantages of travelling on your own are you are free to do whatever you want without the needing to join others if you go by travel agency because usually they will travel in groups. You also will have plenty of time to do whatever activities you want. Our trip to Krabi was 4 days and 3 nights. And total money we spent was below rm1k (actual expenditures was rm 600 but increased to rm1k due to some extra activities J)
Now we on our way to Hatyai from Padang Besar KTM after immigration clearance

Once arrived Hatyai, we took taxi or Tuk Tuk to transportation agency to Krabi

A long journey from Hatyai, finally we arrived our destination. After check in hotel, we went to the Ao Nang Beach.

Enjoyed our evening while watching beautiful sunset at Ao Nang Beach

On second day, after we had our breakfast and packed up our things its time to explore the Island!!
Our first island  (Bamboo Island) , after 45 minutes from Noppharat Thara Beach

Now we have our vitamin sea!! at the Phi Leh Lagoon.

This is Maya Bay Island, as you can see it was crowded with people from around the world!!

Lastly, we hopped back on the boat to Phi Phi Island to have our lunch and back to the hotel.

Welcome to Emerald Pool and Blue Pool!!This are same park and about 2 hours drive from Ao Nang.

So, that all from us. Till we meet again!!


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