Basketball is a limited contact sport played on a rectangular court. It is played as a team sport with 5 players each team. The objective of the game is to shoot the ball on the basket standing 10 ft. high. Basketball was first found by Dr. James Naismith a Physical Education professor from Canada.

Why Filipinos love basketball? To us Filipinos basketball is a way of life. There are countless reasons why Filipinos love basketball. Basketball is a fast game and Filipinos like sports that is dynamic and entertaining. It can easily be played, there are makeshift courts on sandlots and the neighborhood all over the country. It is very accessible, fans can come up close and personal with the players. Basketball is a contact sport and Filipinos love it when the players compete down with their singlets and jerseys without protective armor giving all their hearts out. And basketball is also a means of livelihood to thousand of Filipinos and opens a door for a better life.


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